Black Site 2E
07 Feb, 2024 12:27 am
15 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Tapirus 00:00 gl hf
Tapirus 00:08 why don;t I just go straight bviking
Tapirus 00:47 I am going mech
Tapirus 06:58 how many factories and starports do i build?
Tapirus 07:08 I think tempests beat carriers
Tapirus 07:22 luke is this enough?
Tapirus 07:32 2 and 2
Tapirus 07:35 of 3 bases
Tapirus 07:39 3 fac 2 star
Tapirus 07:42 how many?
Tapirus 09:23 so much gas holy shit
Tapirus 09:31 what do i do with minerals?