Site Delta LE
14 Feb, 2024 5:56 pm
21 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Cryomatrix 00:00 glhf
mirvinos 00:02
Cryomatrix 16:11 you really rank d3?
mirvinos 16:14 yeah'
Cryomatrix 16:40 your opening messed me uo
Cryomatrix 16:42 i thought you were going mutas
mirvinos 16:50 trying to be safe
mirvinos 16:55 last guy 1 based me
mirvinos 17:08 cyclones and hellbatws
Cryomatrix 17:26 yeah i got fooled
Cryomatrix 17:32 i play a TvZ like clem
Cryomatrix 17:37 except like 100000% worse
mirvinos 17:44 clem is good
Cryomatrix 17:52 but i drop from everywehre and go marine/tank
mirvinos 17:52 so even .000001% is not bad
Cryomatrix 18:34 yeah i know but it depends on me hitting like 6 minutes in y normal setuo
Cryomatrix 21:17 io fell for that shit twice lmao
Cryomatrix 21:48 GG
mirvinos 21:49 gg
Cryomatrix 21:56 ANY TIPS SEND THEM MY WAY