Efflorescence LE
12 Feb, 2024 11:12 pm
21 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
DemoniacMilk 00:00 glhf
DemoniacMilk 03:45 i liek it xD
DemoniacMilk 06:48 cute move
SuperSonics 15:49 eh
SuperSonics 15:50 hey trash
SuperSonics 15:52 die young
SuperSonics 17:55 hey trash
SuperSonics 18:01 delete the game
SuperSonics 18:04 I DID MEGA START
SuperSonics 18:10 YOU ARE CANCER GAY
DemoniacMilk 18:30 hey guys hat do ou do if zour team mate is flaming?
CaptainSqrt 18:49 tell him to learn to play
SuperSonics 19:01 trash in team
CaptainSqrt 19:30 learn the meta instead of stupid ass cheese
TweedeKaas 19:40 the early game was not bad for u
TweedeKaas 20:11 but i have 5 base
DemoniacMilk 21:43 went better than i expected haha
DemoniacMilk 21:44 gg