Hecate LE
19 Feb, 2024 3:57 pm
22 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Variance 00:00
Ironman 00:01 u2
Variance 00:32 do you get alot of bm from opponents after the game?
Variance 00:35 I keep getting alot
Ironman 00:45 bm?
Variance 00:52 bad mannered
Ironman 00:56 yes
Ironman 01:11 i get some....not sure i would say a lot
Variance 01:12 sometimes it's from plyrs who WON
Variance 01:19 thats the funny ones :p
Ironman 01:21 lol yes same here
Variance 01:30 I told one take the W and shut up
Ironman 01:35 if they didnt like my play style the get upset
Variance 01:37 nobody likes a sore winner
Variance 01:54 lol
Variance 01:58 we can play however we want
Ironman 02:03 indeed
Variance 02:09 anyways, best of luck man
Ironman 02:14 u2
Variance 02:17 kik
Variance 02:23 akraedy doin't like this ;)
Ironman 02:35 im anticipating bm
Variance 02:37 i'll deal with ti
Variance 02:43 just a game
Ironman 22:41 gg
Variance 22:43 gg