Site Delta LE
20 Feb, 2024 12:59 pm
29 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
OldGregg 00:00 glhf
RonPopeil 00:00 glhf
RonPopeil 00:23 bro I can't beat terran
OldGregg 00:29 good thing I'm protoss
RonPopeil 00:36 I'm looking for advice
RonPopeil 00:38 from a fellow P
OldGregg 00:44 ah
OldGregg 00:51 make sure to have units and scout a lot
RonPopeil 00:58 kk ty
OldGregg 01:04 just have 3 stalker and 3 sentry at the start
OldGregg 01:05 asap
OldGregg 01:07 and u can live through a lot
RonPopeil 01:18 ty ty
OldGregg 28:43 did I go air too late or what
RonPopeil 28:48 I think so yeah
RonPopeil 28:52 you were ahead
OldGregg 28:52 I hate going air
OldGregg 28:55 so boring
RonPopeil 28:56 ditto
OldGregg 29:06 ggwp
RonPopeil 29:08 gg