Hecate LE
30 Dec, 2023 9:05 pm
14 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Gool 00:00 glhf
Annihilator 00:00 glhf
Gool 03:28 was that a cyclone?
Annihilator 03:34 yea
Gool 03:40 damn
Gool 03:46 i lost control for a sec
Gool 03:48 lost 2 units
Annihilator 03:55
Gool 04:00 cyclone so op
Gool 09:29 seriously
Gool 13:57 hjow the thell did i lose this
Gool 14:02 can you explain?
Gool 14:09 i feel i was crazy ahead and didnt know whart to do
Annihilator 14:12 wanna check the replay?
Gool 14:12 bu t im very verty confused
Gool 14:16 its so weird
Gool 14:17 would you say
Gool 14:19 you were behind post dts?
Annihilator 14:25 slightly
Gool 14:27 i feel you were crazy crazy behind b ut somehow
Gool 14:28 i lost it