Equilibrium LE
29 Feb, 2024 6:28 pm
23 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
NarN 00:00 glhf
SoftOtter 00:04 ghf
SoftOtter 00:07 miss ya
NarN 00:21
SoftOtter 00:36 just jhad an epic game
SoftOtter 00:37 you?
NarN 00:47 not epic for sure
NarN 06:52 ouch
SoftOtter 07:11 yeah
NarN 22:46 gg
SoftOtter 22:49 gg
NarN 22:52 imortals sux
SoftOtter 22:54 hahga
SoftOtter 22:55 yeah
SoftOtter 22:56 but
SoftOtter 23:00 you had a lot of big tankers
SoftOtter 23:04 and battle bases
NarN 23:15 i were also o nthe phone lol
NarN 23:18 but all good
SoftOtter 23:21 ah
SoftOtter 23:22 then you did good
SoftOtter 23:24 wp!!
NarN 23:29 just need to make sure liberaors are protected
NarN 23:33 ditto!
SoftOtter 23:45 thanks
SoftOtter 23:45 gg