Site Delta LE
28 Feb, 2024 2:27 am
14 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
normalman 00:00 glhf
SirWinsAlot 00:13 u 2!
normalman 01:11 yeah I figure
normalman 01:18 when ppl say u2
SirWinsAlot 01:23 huh?
SirWinsAlot 01:35 no time to type you mean?
normalman 01:45 they 12d
SirWinsAlot 03:30 great hold
SirWinsAlot 03:33 well done
normalman 03:40 then baneling
SirWinsAlot 03:46 yup
SirWinsAlot 04:01 you have another 40 seconds
SirWinsAlot 08:11 thats cheating
normalman 08:18 what
SirWinsAlot 08:18 drugging me so i hallucinate
normalman 08:20 scout?
normalman 14:47 gg