Augustine Fall LE
20 Feb, 2024 4:18 am
17 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Peerless 00:22 lol
maibhalsyth 00:24 you are alone'
maibhalsyth 00:32 1v2v3'
maibhalsyth 01:47 imma haras
Peerless 02:17 nah im in enemy aarea
maibhalsyth 02:41 bro
maibhalsyth 02:42 atkk that
Peerless 02:49 thats my main breh
maibhalsyth 02:58 bro
maibhalsyth 03:02 look at turret
maibhalsyth 03:06 it is turret rush
Peerless 04:00 sigh
maibhalsyth 04:48 i will focus with zergling
Peerless 10:07 breh
maibhalsyth 10:09 SANS HELP DESTRIY THAT'
maibhalsyth 10:10 BREH
maibhalsyth 10:32 BLUE
Peerless 11:13 my base is done for
maibhalsyth 11:37 BRO SANS...............
maibhalsyth 12:13 BLUE
Peerless 12:19 there is a base near me enemys
Peerless 13:26 sans loook fr
maibhalsyth 13:56 .........
maibhalsyth 14:12 BROI..........
maibhalsyth 14:17 I AM MEGA DED
Peerless 14:25 you suck sans rmeove everything all my workers dead
maibhalsyth 15:18 A
maibhalsyth 15:26 GIVE ME MINERAL
Peerless 15:33 send
Peerless 15:44 send request
maibhalsyth 15:51 NO MORE LARVA
maibhalsyth 16:33 PROTECT PEERFULL