Dusty Gorge
06 Mar, 2024 7:42 am
09 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Kryto 00:09 glg
Kryto 00:19 proxy oracle
Mexation 00:24 nice
Kryto 02:02 ahhhhh
Kryto 02:03 lol
Mexation 02:11 lol
Mexation 02:31 think the oracle will catch them off guard
Kryto 02:41 nope
Kryto 02:43 balls
Kryto 04:46 well that was uselss
Kryto 05:14 we are waaaay behind
Mexation 05:45 yea
Kryto 05:58 phonix
Mexation 06:06 need turrets
Kryto 06:13 itl be a sec
Kryto 08:47 annnd thats that
Mexation 08:51 comming
Kryto 09:29 gg
RRC 09:32 ??
Mexation 09:35 gg