Goldenaura LE
LOTV Private
22 Feb, 2024 10:44 pm
08 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Ultralisk 00:00 glhf
Ultralisk 00:15 2/1/1 was good when it was first made, that shit rolled over zergs on repeat
Ultralisk 00:21 i thinkj bc will just always be easy win vs me
Ultralisk 00:27 but then every terran did it, and it got figured out
Ultralisk 00:51 yeh i think thats why special said 211 sucks unless you play 3cc greedy style
Ultralisk 01:23 special gots dirty builds but mostly bc stuff
Ultralisk 01:40 tried doing nuke bc on you but
Ultralisk 01:47 idk doeszero damage
Ultralisk 01:53 was slightly annoying to deal with
Ultralisk 02:36
Ultralisk 02:50 kinda sucks nuts tho in team games is good but 1v1 i need to try it some more
Ultralisk 03:01 cuz i only tried it 1st time vs you actual real gamer
Ultralisk 03:20 protoss is cool race
Ultralisk 03:23 team games its easy to do builds right n do damage
Ultralisk 03:35 protoss is about as cool as LGTBQ
Ultralisk 03:40 lol
Ultralisk 03:50 i was zerg main for longest time
Ultralisk 03:53 protoss lbgtq race all accross redit forums everywhere
Ultralisk 03:59 go back to zerg Ryu
Ultralisk 04:00 but i thought skytoss was unbeatable OP pvz
Ultralisk 04:05 so i started playing protoss
Ultralisk 04:11 and i never lose lategame pvzs
Ultralisk 04:13 jusst go hydra viper
Ultralisk 04:18 them sky toss cheeses were cancer before they patched it
Ultralisk 04:23 bro that army sucks balls vs skytoss
Ultralisk 04:30 hydra viper corrupter vs skytoss
Ultralisk 04:35 1-2 infestor
Ultralisk 04:36 meh
Ultralisk 04:37 yea i laugh when i see that
Ultralisk 04:39 ez wins
Ultralisk 04:41 fuckin 10 templar
Ultralisk 04:42 waiting for you
Ultralisk 04:48 1-2 infestor?
Ultralisk 04:53 feedback?
Ultralisk 04:53 storm
Ultralisk 04:55 hydras are just not good vs lategame protoss
Ultralisk 05:02 die to storm
Ultralisk 05:06 like what 96 interceptors
Ultralisk 05:14 it's literally wasted supply
Ultralisk 05:16 and now
Ultralisk 05:18 they get no damage out before they diue
Ultralisk 05:20 the targeting sucks on it
Ultralisk 05:30 well go back to zerg and just not late game vs toss
Ultralisk 05:32 easy
Ultralisk 05:34 lol
Ultralisk 05:40 yeah easy for you to say
Ultralisk 05:49 you'd have to just allin and leave if it doesn't kill them to avoid it
Ultralisk 05:56 basicly yeah
Ultralisk 05:57 XD
Ultralisk 06:01 thats how Tvs p goes
Ultralisk 06:06 you know
Ultralisk 06:26 i'd argue terran has better options vs lategame protoss than zerg
Ultralisk 06:27 i need some cancer tvp builds
Ultralisk 06:36 i only know the bc one is pretty good
Ultralisk 06:40 storm isn't as strong because emp
Ultralisk 06:42 they do hhave a bit more yeah but still
Ultralisk 06:49 but not cancerous enough
Ultralisk 06:53 even, your opinion is kill toss urly or gg
Ultralisk 06:55 tvz 211 bc is super fat
Ultralisk 07:02 you only have a 2 abse pull the boys build vs toss
Ultralisk 07:03 best build i ever had
Ultralisk 07:15 i didn't play terran much to make more builds
Ultralisk 07:21 but that 2base worker pull allin is very strong
Ultralisk 07:26 was beating nachobo a lot
Ultralisk 07:27 if you ever find a way to beat protoss late game let me know
Ultralisk 08:00 ghosts are good
Ultralisk 08:03 ghosts and lib range
Ultralisk 08:07 kinda like tvz lategame
Ultralisk 08:24 gg
Lirby 08:26 GGWP