Site Delta LE
13 Mar, 2024 2:59 pm
27 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Veryoldman 00:00 gl hf
fox 00:02 u 2
fox 00:22 i do have to ask, how old, old man
Veryoldman 00:25 74
fox 00:57 nice
Veryoldman 01:07 ha, why is that?
fox 01:18 cuz its cool
Veryoldman 01:23 okay
fox 01:26 i still plan on gaming at that age
Veryoldman 01:34 yep, keep you young
fox 02:12 so are u an original player? like when this first came out?
Veryoldman 02:36 just the campaign, I've played 1v1 for 7 or 8 years noe
Veryoldman 02:40 now
fox 26:56 gg
Veryoldman 26:59 gg