[ESL] Goldenaura
LOTV Private
16 Mar, 2024 1:34 am
08 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
NecesaryEvil 00:13 btw whats your mmr when you actually try to go for it?
NecesaryEvil 00:29 i d say ur about 3.4 on eu
NecesaryEvil 00:44 Right now my other account is sitting at 3-3.1k but ive taken games from d2-d3
NecesaryEvil 00:46 d1
NecesaryEvil 00:58 even a few masters, i was having a huge issue w/ supply blocks before
NecesaryEvil 01:05 nervous?
NecesaryEvil 01:11 :P
NecesaryEvil 01:13 no just bad habits
NecesaryEvil 01:21 ive played in MLG's back in 2011
NecesaryEvil 01:22
NecesaryEvil 01:26 played many pro's
NecesaryEvil 01:29 then took HOTS off
NecesaryEvil 01:32 nice
NecesaryEvil 01:48 back then was a simpler time
NecesaryEvil 01:53 Beat a Masters in 2011MLG Raleigh, qualified to open bracket then lost 2-0 vs Catz
NecesaryEvil 01:58 like peak Catz
NecesaryEvil 02:05 catz is still crazy good
NecesaryEvil 02:10 Yeah
NecesaryEvil 02:23 I played vs parting a few weeks ago, that was liveleak footage
NecesaryEvil 02:40 where do you even find those guys
NecesaryEvil 02:47 they r like super elusive
NecesaryEvil 02:48 ESL Open Brackets
NecesaryEvil 02:52 and other tournaments
NecesaryEvil 02:53 ohh
NecesaryEvil 03:12 btw is that a full wall?
NecesaryEvil 03:28 looks like it
NecesaryEvil 03:30 skytoss ftw
NecesaryEvil 03:34 what are these guys doing
NecesaryEvil 03:42 what is this slow ling buildup
NecesaryEvil 03:43 I think he's fucking w/ him
NecesaryEvil 03:44
NecesaryEvil 03:59 no a move
NecesaryEvil 04:11 diamond by cheese
NecesaryEvil 04:15 thats what this is
oPKingTroy 04:25 closed for covid
NecesaryEvil 04:32 HAHAHA
NecesaryEvil 04:35 diamond on Na is for free really
NecesaryEvil 04:41 my promo game for diamond
NecesaryEvil 04:47 im hit for it now
NecesaryEvil 04:48 i went 5 base no gas
NecesaryEvil 04:52 pure marine
NecesaryEvil 04:56 against some zerg
NecesaryEvil 04:58 its Smurf, Smurf, new player, smurf
NecesaryEvil 04:58 and won
NecesaryEvil 05:10 i had a gm play on my account a week ago... he lost 2 games out of 10
NecesaryEvil 05:16 and those 2 games went 30+ mins
NecesaryEvil 05:34 yea that can happen
NecesaryEvil 05:43 Make Gaming Fun again
NecesaryEvil 05:45 lol
NecesaryEvil 06:05 sometimes you get these one trick wonders
NecesaryEvil 06:11 yeah
NecesaryEvil 06:16 8 gate chargelot comes to mind
NecesaryEvil 06:21 you dont scout that
NecesaryEvil 06:24 right
NecesaryEvil 06:31 dont expect to have to play a game vs the random plat guy
NecesaryEvil 06:34 or proxy 3 gate
NecesaryEvil 06:40 and then they hit you with a million zealots
NecesaryEvil 06:56 6:49 lair...
NecesaryEvil 07:19 these boys are playing like its 2010
NecesaryEvil 07:54 you should have seen last week
NecesaryEvil 07:56 lol
NecesaryEvil 07:58 they have an idea whats good
NecesaryEvil 08:02 but no clue how to get there
NecesaryEvil 08:05 Obs on steppes of war
NecesaryEvil 08:13 xD
NecesaryEvil 08:15 steppes
NecesaryEvil 08:20 in 2024
NecesaryEvil 08:21 siege tanks in your natural
NecesaryEvil 08:27 GHG
NecesaryEvil 08:27 and fire away