Old Estate
01 Dec, 2023 12:13 pm
19 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Avoidlol 00:00 moshe you mothers a fat cu nt
Avoidlol 00:10 you fucking one dimentional prick
Moshe 00:21 wow your a poor loser
Avoidlol 00:22 Gold leauge fagget
Avoidlol 00:29 void ray or canon
Avoidlol 00:31 or carrier
Avoidlol 00:33 fucking amazing
Avoidlol 00:35 Gold league cunt
Avoidlol 00:36 Fuck you
Avoidlol 00:41 ill rape your motehr for a laugh
Moshe 00:48 and still wooped your @ss
Avoidlol 00:57 you did nothing
Kronos 00:58 You seem to be the best kind of person mr lol
Avoidlol 01:01 you got carried
Avoidlol 01:12 thanks prick now shut your mouth rat cunt
Kronos 01:22 everyone in this game totally thinks you look cool and the guy you shit on is lame
Avoidlol 01:29 spoke when spoken to liek your whore of a mother
Avoidlol 01:43 shhh shh ttytyty
Kronos 01:52 my mom told me about your 1 inch dick, wassap with that?
Avoidlol 01:58 Rape your entire family shut your fucking mouth prick
Avoidlol 02:04 Shh shh
Kronos 02:11 I had consensual sex with your dad last night
Kronos 02:20 he was the catcher
Avoidlol 02:21 Raped your mother
Kronos 02:27 she did not feel it
Kronos 02:35 anyways
Avoidlol 02:36 Slit her throat
Kronos 02:38 gl hf
Kronos 03:00 reapers
Kronos 04:15 are you buyn's smurf acc?
Avoidlol 04:21 out
Avoidlol 04:22 cunt
Avoidlol 04:45 Hahaha
Avoidlol 04:47 You gold league?
Kronos 05:08 nah never got beyond bronze 2
Avoidlol 06:57 out
gammaray 07:47 open
Kronos 08:49 double spire
Avoidlol 12:51 Haha
Avoidlol 13:27 GET THJE FUCK OUT
Avoidlol 13:30 now
Kronos 17:26 you lost your best player kek
Moshe 17:50 out idiot
Pokerface 18:11 GG
Moshe 19:32 so ez
Moshe 19:50 whos account did u buy?