Hard Lead LE
15 Feb, 2024 7:17 pm
09 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Miszu 00:00 glhf
Miszu 08:32 ?
IIIIIIIIIIII 08:32 you are that 30 year old loser who threaten 12 year olds right?
Miszu 08:32 XD
IIIIIIIIIIII 08:32 mech only player
Miszu 08:32 what
IIIIIIIIIIII 08:32 you are a taxi or truck driver or something right?
Miszu 08:32 truck yeah
IIIIIIIIIIII 08:32 haha yeah thats you
Miszu 08:32 XD
IIIIIIIIIIII 08:32 I saw the screenshots of you on discord
IIIIIIIIIIII 08:32 telling 12 year olds to kys
IIIIIIIIIIII 08:32 you literally told all of gm to kys
Miszu 08:32 barcode?
Miszu 08:32 XD
IIIIIIIIIIII 08:32 stick to mech btw
Miszu 08:32 did he flame me?
Miszu 08:37 XDDDDDDDDddd
IIIIIIIIIIII 08:45 no he eidnt
Miszu 09:48 ggwp