Goldenaura LE
24 Mar, 2024 11:15 pm
36 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
noahslostark 00:03 GLHF
IronDan 00:08 lghf
IronDan 31:01 i dont know what to do
IronDan 31:13 zerg has perfect counter to every terran unit
noahslostark 31:30 vice versa is also true
IronDan 31:33 terran you actually have to micro and be good at the game
IronDan 31:37 example?
noahslostark 31:40 i HAVE LIKE 12 Base lol
noahslostark 31:45 u have 3?
IronDan 31:56 fucking idiot
noahslostark 31:58 viking to any air unit
noahslostark 31:58 lol
noahslostark 32:01 best air
noahslostark 32:04 tanks for aoe
noahslostark 32:11 marine for cost efficiencyt
IronDan 32:13 corrupters destroy viking
noahslostark 32:13 lol
noahslostark 32:15 bruh
noahslostark 32:17 no they dont
noahslostark 32:18 xD
noahslostark 32:19 bruh
IronDan 32:25 yes they do are you dumb
noahslostark 32:30 U ARE DUMB
noahslostark 32:32 because u lose
IronDan 32:43 marine eeeeasily gets countered by bailings or ultralisks
noahslostark 32:50 OK
IronDan 32:56 exactly
noahslostark 32:58 4 BASE COUNTER 3 BASE
IronDan 32:59 you agree
noahslostark 33:04 nope lol
noahslostark 33:09 I play terran plenty
IronDan 33:10 so youre dumb
noahslostark 33:10 and win
IronDan 33:27 youre terran is not close to your zerg mmr dont lie
noahslostark 33:35 its better
noahslostark 33:36 actually
noahslostark 33:37 lol
IronDan 33:44 coooompleeeeete cap
noahslostark 33:49 is not loll
IronDan 33:50 youre actually lying
noahslostark 33:56 terran is sitll most playued
IronDan 33:56 dumb
noahslostark 33:58 for a reason
noahslostark 34:13 get gud
IronDan 34:27 zerg is so easy and you know it cause youre lying
noahslostark 34:42 lol then why dont u play zerg
IronDan 34:52 i might
noahslostark 35:04 always an excuse
noahslostark 35:07 with this guy
IronDan 35:14 just the truth
noahslostark 35:18 lol
IronDan 35:29 terran is good when your apm is like 600
IronDan 35:41 otherwise you just lose to people who attack move
noahslostark 35:42 zerg takes higher apm
noahslostark 35:43 lol
noahslostark 35:44 bruuu
noahslostark 35:52 what an idiot
IronDan 35:57 loser