Goldenaura LE
26 Feb, 2024 8:59 pm
20 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Decimor 00:00 gl hf
nuttysquirel 00:00 dicmore
nuttysquirel 00:03 gl hf
nuttysquirel 00:13 u dic more>?
nuttysquirel 00:13 /
nuttysquirel 00:23 r u dix mkre?
nuttysquirel 00:33 dic mkore?
Decimor 17:20 oh ya
Decimor 17:24 i forgot to make a greater spire
nuttysquirel 17:24 LOOOSERRRRR
Decimor 17:29 OH NOES
nuttysquirel 17:34 HAHAHAHA
nuttysquirel 18:42 NOOOOOOBBBBBB
Decimor 18:47 NOOOOOOOO
nuttysquirel 18:53 YESSSSSSSSS
Decimor 19:03 i must uninstall now
Decimor 19:08 i have failed my family
nuttysquirel 19:14 YESSSS
nuttysquirel 19:20 KILLL YOURSELFGFFF
nuttysquirel 19:26 YOY HAVE FAILKED
nuttysquirel 19:43 IT IS THE ENDDDD
nuttysquirel 19:45 FOR YOUUUU
Decimor 19:51 T_T
nuttysquirel 19:53 THERE IS NOT ESCAPRE
nuttysquirel 19:57 MOOSE FACE