Alcyone LE
LOTV Private
17 Mar, 2024 2:52 pm
16 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Adams 00:10 gl hf
Adeptishere 00:13 so is EU better than NA?
Adeptishere 00:16 u as well
Adeptishere 00:19 yah
Adeptishere 00:21 my latency is like 125
Adeptishere 00:26 well thats the stigma anyway
Adeptishere 00:45 i might switch regions then. i'm stuck at plat 2 in NA
Adeptishere 00:54 what race
Adeptishere 00:57 z
Adeptishere 01:14 dm me one of your replays i can look over it for you
Adeptishere 01:32 i got D3 D2 before i quit 2 years ago
Adeptishere 02:18 what builds do you go for in each match up
Adeptishere 02:40 generally the one he's going with here, 17/18/17 vs t and p
Adeptishere 02:50 i'm trying to find my replays folder
Adeptishere 03:16 if you go to replays in game their should be a button to show in folder
Adeptishere 03:26 dont stress about it for now enjoy the game
Adeptishere 03:46 both of these dude's apm is about twice what mine is
Adeptishere 04:08 really in plat
Adeptishere 04:33 i have a feeling i know what your problem is
Adeptishere 04:34 yea my average is like 106 or something like that. if the game goes past 8 minutes it's usualy around 140
Adeptishere 04:46 bet
Adeptishere 06:20 tarrens CGs are weird
Adeptishere 06:32 what's a cg
Adeptishere 06:42 hes got main and nat on 5 and another base on 3
Adeptishere 06:46 control group
Adeptishere 06:49 ohhhh
Adeptishere 07:01 ya that is strange
Adeptishere 07:11 i fucking hate widow mines
Adeptishere 07:20 XD theyre annoying forsure
Adeptishere 07:45 they got a decent nerf this patch easier to see less spash range when they do hit
Adeptishere 08:04 well that and the invis isn't automatic is the biggest thing for me
Adeptishere 08:13 right yah that too
Adeptishere 08:43 what's frustrating is they 're so flexible. whereas as z i'm stuck with like... 3 builds max
Adeptishere 08:46 he doesnt CG his army either
Adeptishere 08:55 F2 maybe?
Adeptishere 08:58 probb
Adeptishere 09:05 debateable
Adeptishere 09:13 well it's on there now
Adeptishere 09:18 the reason i love zerg is because theyre so reactive
Adeptishere 09:22 ya
Adeptishere 09:44 like id even say zerg doesnt have buiild orders past 2-3min
Adeptishere 10:03 i mean, yea maybe
Adeptishere 10:15 i wonder why he ran all his lings past those marines
Adeptishere 10:32 i wasnt paying attention was focused on chat
Adeptishere 10:47 oh cause of the mines prob
Adeptishere 10:52 friendly fire attempt
Adeptishere 11:02 is widow mine splash friendly fire?
Adeptishere 11:06 yah
Adeptishere 11:09 i do that with tanks a lot
Adeptishere 11:49 yah terrans a tough race man you gotta defend the attack and make sure youre not getting cucked by your own units
Adeptishere 12:39 i'm thinking z has got this one
Adeptishere 12:45 unless t turtles
Adeptishere 13:08 im leaning toward terran feels like zerfs freezing up a bit
Adeptishere 13:20 big bank but theyre not maxxing out
Adeptishere 13:27 ooooooof
Adeptishere 13:44 idk he's going ultras and t hasn't teched up
Adeptishere 13:52 and z has the upgrade lead
Adeptishere 14:21 is he going swarmhost or is that a miss click
Adeptishere 14:33 had to be a misclick
Adeptishere 14:35 there's only 1
Adeptishere 14:40 he's making 7 ultras
Adeptishere 14:45 kk
Adeptishere 14:51 and he's going 3/3
Adeptishere 14:52 jesus
Adeptishere 15:20 idk still think zerg needed to stretch out the mid game a little more
Adeptishere 15:39 nah front doors open ggs
Adeptishere 16:18 lol 12 ultras
Adams 16:44 gg