Post-Youth LE
31 Mar, 2024 5:10 pm
22 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Berbarus 00:00 gl hf
Berbarus 11:13 you really likle static d
Berbarus 14:19 -.-
Berbarus 14:23 this is boring no?à
hollywood 14:33 why borring
Berbarus 14:40 dunno
Berbarus 14:43 do you plan on attacking?
hollywood 14:49 i have been
Berbarus 14:53 youre right
Berbarus 14:54 sry
hollywood 15:02 i can't attack your army directly
hollywood 15:05 i will lose
Berbarus 17:13 how weird
Berbarus 18:50 wiedest zvz I ve ever played
hollywood 19:03 good?
Berbarus 19:07 kinda
Berbarus 19:28 gg
Berbarus 19:35 I'm just mezmerized
hollywood 19:39 lolk
hollywood 19:40 gg
Berbarus 19:50 you know these game you lose because you though half the time?
Berbarus 19:54 thought*
hollywood 20:05 yes
hollywood 20:11 bad thing is to think in game
Berbarus 20:15 I just scratched my head for 10 minutes
Berbarus 20:21 Wondering wth was going on
hollywood 20:23 i remamber the first time i plaed it
hollywood 20:34 yeah i had guy one base
hollywood 20:38 lukrers
hollywood 20:50 then he turled
hollywood 20:57 you are not used to seeing zerg turtle
Berbarus 21:01 yeah
Berbarus 21:03 haha
hollywood 21:05 yeah
hollywood 21:11 but you came with so many roachs
hollywood 21:14 roaches
Berbarus 21:17 earlier broods maybe?
hollywood 21:19 what else was ai suppose tod o
Berbarus 21:21 I was going broods
hollywood 21:21 to do
hollywood 21:31 you could have gone broods
hollywood 21:43 that is why i kept trying to make sure you didnt
Berbarus 21:43 It's like carrier vs lurkers
hollywood 21:48 get another base\
Berbarus 22:01 crazy stuff
Berbarus 22:03 wow
Berbarus 22:11 My win streak has a sick ending