Hard Lead LE
15 Mar, 2024 7:14 am
17 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
citrus 00:07 cannon rush ?
You 00:16 nah dw
You 00:30 i swear on my life
citrus 00:32 troll ajaj
You 00:33 i hate that shit
citrus 13:20 man i fuuck it up again
citrus 15:11 yeah i dont know
You 15:22 what did you fuck up
citrus 16:06 yeah i see u coming was max out with good eco but nah storm and colossus just destroyed my narine then there s nothing left
citrus 16:16 gg
You 16:19 yeah storm and colossit are kinda fucked
You 16:24 idk how to beat it either ngl
You 16:40 try get more units and fight before this point of the game
You 16:44 i think thats the key
citrus 16:47 micro i supose'
citrus 17:02 copy cheers good luck