Alcyone LE
28 Mar, 2024 12:59 pm
21 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
SumTingWong 00:00 glhf
Primarius 00:04 gl i am new
SumTingWong 00:13 ok
SumTingWong 05:37 is this your first starcraft2 match?
Primarius 05:42 2nd
SumTingWong 05:49 ok
Primarius 06:23 why
SumTingWong 06:40 some peoploe also pretend to be new while tehy are not
Primarius 07:02 i guess lots of smurf
SumTingWong 07:06 yea
SumTingWong 08:48 do you have any other rts experience?
Primarius 08:53 yeah some
SumTingWong 09:01 which?
Primarius 09:50 warcraft
SumTingWong 10:01 ah
SumTingWong 10:06 i did play that a bit in 2006
SumTingWong 10:21 im actually diamond league with terran in sc2
Primarius 10:27 oh jesus
SumTingWong 10:34 if you play terran against protoss you need to kind of finish him off quite fast
SumTingWong 10:44 because the longer the game goes the stronger the protoss unit will get
SumTingWong 10:47 lots of splash damage
SumTingWong 11:23 i will show you
Primarius 12:01 already carriers?
SumTingWong 12:06 yea
Primarius 12:13 this game is too fast damn
SumTingWong 12:14 they are super easy to control haha
SumTingWong 12:26 once protoss has that kind of units its quite unfair
SumTingWong 12:28 for terran
Primarius 12:37 not even vikings help?
SumTingWong 12:48 they are good but my tempest have much more range
SumTingWong 12:53 and you need to micro a lot with them
SumTingWong 13:00 while i can pretty much just a move
Primarius 13:16 so does that mean all low rank play protos?
SumTingWong 13:18 btw i have an observer in your base
SumTingWong 13:27 in the middle of your main and natural base
SumTingWong 13:38 ah its right next to the tank
Primarius 13:38 i cant even see it
SumTingWong 13:40 sitting on top
SumTingWong 13:44 there
SumTingWong 13:58 you can also build a turret
Primarius 13:59 so all play protos in low rank cause its easier?
SumTingWong 14:00 to make it visible
SumTingWong 14:15 personally i think protoss is easier unless your master/gm
SumTingWong 14:26 its less forgiving than terran or zerg
Primarius 14:29 i dont like them tbh
SumTingWong 14:45 whats your prefered playstyle?
Primarius 14:57 adaptive mostly...
SumTingWong 15:13 zerg is adaptive
Primarius 15:15 like reading the enemy counters
Primarius 15:26 well i guess i will practise them then
SumTingWong 15:29 you can quickly change army composition according to what your opponents doing
Primarius 15:33 i just fimishes terran campagin
Primarius 15:40 so i wanted to see how is here
SumTingWong 15:42 terran is very straight forward imo
SumTingWong 15:50 protoss is more adaptive than terran as well
SumTingWong 16:01 terran is all about early to mid game aggression
Primarius 16:01 guess then i am non terran
Primarius 16:12 arent zerg the most agressive
SumTingWong 16:12 haha
SumTingWong 16:18 nah
SumTingWong 16:26 zerg is most powerfull when they can play defensive
SumTingWong 16:29 due to creep
SumTingWong 16:44 once most of the map is covered with creep they basically move way faster
SumTingWong 16:50 and they see any attack coming
Primarius 16:53 it doesnt make sense cause they have the least def buildings or at least most squishy
SumTingWong 16:55 thats when they are super strong
SumTingWong 17:15 yea they defend by mobility/speed and vision/knowledge
Primarius 17:19 arent the zerg like cheap mass units like in most rts
SumTingWong 17:23 protoss defends by buildings
SumTingWong 17:25 and units
SumTingWong 17:30 and terran similar
SumTingWong 17:32 yea
SumTingWong 17:39 do you watch pro tournaments?
Primarius 17:40 i always assumed terran is the most defensive race
Primarius 17:46 sometimes yeah
SumTingWong 17:53 i think it depends on league
SumTingWong 18:08 but you can play any race in an offensive or defensive way
SumTingWong 18:10 its quite versatile
Primarius 18:15 well...thanks for insights. i think i will try then zergs i guess
SumTingWong 18:20 below diamond most terran players play defensive
SumTingWong 18:26 then it gets more wild
Primarius 18:32 last guy told me protoss just do A move till high rank.
SumTingWong 18:37 haha
SumTingWong 18:42 yes they can do much more a move
SumTingWong 18:48 need less micro
SumTingWong 19:00 protoss apm usually is lowest
Primarius 19:01 but they have most spell caster units so i tought they are more micro heavy
SumTingWong 19:07 with terran being highest
SumTingWong 19:21 spellcasters need micro
SumTingWong 19:31 but with terran you basically are forced to do multiple medivac drops
SumTingWong 19:36 at the same time to beat your enemy
SumTingWong 19:44 marine stutter step with stim
Primarius 19:48 u cant go terran tech army? u need go bio?
SumTingWong 19:49 split against banelings
SumTingWong 20:00 you can go terran tech army and play more defensive
SumTingWong 20:05 but usually people go bio
Primarius 20:12 yeah but then i lose to all protos with tech terran right?
SumTingWong 20:27 mhh probably
SumTingWong 20:34 but i dont have muhc experience with tech terran tbh
Primarius 20:36 well thats like losing 50% of games
SumTingWong 20:40 im a very aggressive terran player
Primarius 20:54 i always assumed zergs are the most offensive
SumTingWong 20:58 think its best to just try it out
SumTingWong 21:01 and see what suits you best
SumTingWong 21:05 also watch some youtube videos
Primarius 21:11 sure
Primarius 21:14 thank u
SumTingWong 21:17 np
SumTingWong 21:22 i will attack you now haha
Primarius 21:34 i havent played since we started ti chat
SumTingWong 21:39 oh ok
Primarius 21:40 well gl