Catalesque CE
02 Apr, 2024 12:23 pm
18 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
DeltoidDelta 00:00 Glhf! (:
DeltoidDelta 00:07 we're the best smurfers
chombi 00:19 facts
DeltoidDelta 02:08 both double rax
chombi 02:15 oh oh
DeltoidDelta 08:54 cyclones
DeltoidDelta 08:57 they playing mech
DeltoidDelta 11:25 i go tempest
DeltoidDelta 12:28 bc on the way
DeltoidDelta 15:35 i hit the left
DeltoidDelta 15:38 stay there
chombi 18:06 hes fucked
JinxDart 18:19 GG
HockeyKraut 18:25 gg