Crimson Court LE
03 Apr, 2024 3:41 am
04 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
MrGieser 00:00 gl hf
DarkInstinct 00:07 glhf
MrGieser 00:31 I thought your name was dark and strict and I was like wtf
DarkInstinct 00:37 lol
DarkInstinct 00:42 only to my wife
MrGieser 00:47 HA
MrGieser 00:59 I feel like that works the orther way around
DarkInstinct 01:13 we take turns
MrGieser 01:22 its called sharing
DarkInstinct 04:36 oooo
DarkInstinct 04:42 gg
MrGieser 04:44 gg wp