Post-Youth LE
01 Apr, 2024 12:10 pm
29 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Fox 00:00 glgl
djoker 00:03 glhf
Fox 15:59 wow
djoker 16:05 ?
Fox 16:14 towers all over the map huh hahah
Fox 27:33 u can macro
djoker 27:36 lol
Fox 27:39 but your micro is shirt
Fox 27:42 shit haha
Fox 28:06 i guess those cyclones give u better map control
Fox 28:10 cuz of their speed?
djoker 28:13 ya experimenting with it
djoker 28:18 cause I dont like normal tvt
Fox 29:30 so u make it a worse game than it is
Fox 29:36 i get it...
Fox 29:43 gg
djoker 29:45 gg