Crimson Court LE
08 Apr, 2024 12:06 am
15 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
MrGieser 00:00 gl hf
HoboEater 00:00 plat
HoboEater 00:00 glhf
MrGieser 00:26 I'm blazed as fuck unranked
HoboEater 00:35 me too
HoboEater 00:38 lol
MrGieser 00:40 sweet
HoboEater 10:35 theres just no way to do this with roaches
MrGieser 10:43 nope gotta go infester hydra
MrGieser 10:53 even that is tough
MrGieser 11:01 Viper
HoboEater 11:15 i usually play diamond so im pretty good at that one but this patch just isnt doin me right lol
MrGieser 11:29 feels kinda like 2013