Site Delta LE
08 Apr, 2024 11:42 pm
10 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
MrGieser 00:00 gl hf
ScateenX 00:04 u2
ScateenX 00:06 you pro?
MrGieser 00:12 zerg
ScateenX 00:15 no i mean
ScateenX 00:16 lol
MrGieser 00:27 no I'm not pro I'm plat lol
ScateenX 00:30 how good is everyone
ScateenX 00:36 compared to brood
ScateenX 08:56 kinda miss goons lol
ScateenX 09:00 oh well
MrGieser 09:06 I haven't played in a long time
MrGieser 09:09 brood I mean
ScateenX 09:21 full of sweats
MrGieser 09:30 You'll get some of that.
ScateenX 09:37 i dont mind some of that
MrGieser 09:38 I just used to play diplo 7.7gold
ScateenX 09:39 but all of that?
ScateenX 10:30 lol
ScateenX 10:32 gg
MrGieser 10:34 gg