Ghost River LE
12 Apr, 2024 2:03 pm
18 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
cutwounds 00:59 wow
cutwounds 01:01 okay
cutwounds 12:04 hey maybe leave bro?
AdmiralE 12:11 lol
AdmiralE 13:29 all of this from one base
AdmiralE 13:31 amazing
cutwounds 13:37 yeah
cutwounds 13:40 protoss cool race
AdmiralE 13:48 i dont have 1 base
cutwounds 13:53 build 2 cannons
cutwounds 13:55 1 battery
cutwounds 14:02 kill 80 supply
AdmiralE 14:02 skill issue
cutwounds 14:07 yeah im just bad
AdmiralE 14:23 me too, just not as bad
AdmiralE 14:31 and btw wow you still have stuff
cutwounds 14:32 yeah you are really
cutwounds 14:35 better than me
AdmiralE 14:35 do you have like 2 drones?
cutwounds 14:56 gg
cutwounds 14:58 ez
cutwounds 15:09 i mean not here
cutwounds 15:14 this game was hard
cutwounds 15:21 you should add me on steam
cutwounds 16:28 208274885
AdmiralE 16:49 still money?
cutwounds 17:05 at least im not floating 1k every game
cutwounds 17:07
cutwounds 18:38 i wonder
cutwounds 18:42 what your mmr would be
cutwounds 18:45 if you didnt cannon
cutwounds 18:47 every game