Dynasty LE
16 Apr, 2024 3:26 am
08 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
dub 00:07 im gonna fly to the corner now
dub 00:11 then take a shit
dub 00:52 brb 45 mins
dub 00:59 respect the pause
dub 01:01 respect the pause
dub 01:01 respect the pause
dub 01:02 respect the pause
dub 01:03 respect the pause
dub 01:03 respect the pause
dub 01:04 respect the pause
dub 01:05 respect the pause
dub 01:05 respect the pause
dub 01:06 respect the pause
dub 01:07 respect the pause
dub 01:08 respect the pause
dub 01:08 respect the pause
dub 01:09 respect the pause
dub 01:10 respect the pause
dub 01:10 respect the pause
dub 01:11 respect the pause
dub 01:12 respect the pause
dub 01:13 respect the pause
dub 01:14 respect the pause
dub 01:15 respect the pause
dub 01:16 respect the pause
Gravitas 01:18 lol
dub 01:21 if you admit youre smurfing ill quit
dub 01:23 respect the pause
dub 01:24 respect the pause
dub 01:25 respect the pause
dub 01:25 respect the pause
dub 01:26 respect the pause
dub 01:27 respect the pause
dub 01:28 respect the pause
dub 01:29 respect the pause
dub 01:30 respect the pause
dub 01:34 admit it smurf
dub 01:37 come on
dub 01:46 admit youre a smurf account bro
dub 01:51 admit it
dub 01:51 admit it
dub 01:52 admit it
dub 01:53 admit it
dub 01:53 admit it
dub 01:54 admit it
dub 01:55 admit it
dub 01:55 admit it
dub 01:56 admit it
dub 01:57 admit it
dub 01:57 admit it
dub 01:58 admit it
dub 01:59 admit it
dub 01:59 admit it
dub 02:00 admit it
dub 02:01 admit it
dub 02:02 admit it
dub 02:03 admit it
dub 02:05 admit it
Gravitas 02:10 you can see how I ranked all the way from silver to diamond my friend
dub 02:12 admit it
dub 02:13 admit it
dub 02:14 admit it
dub 02:15 admit it
dub 02:15 admit it
dub 02:16 admit it
dub 02:17 admit it
dub 02:17 admit it
dub 02:18 admit it
Gravitas 02:23 nfcheeze on youtube
dub 02:28 i can see how you fagged your way from silver to fagmond
Gravitas 02:32 live on twitch rn
dub 02:40 4 viewers
Gravitas 02:59 rlly?
dub 04:07 people watch a guy with pages of lost matches at 0:00?
Gravitas 04:24 what are you talking about
dub 05:06 show your loyal incel viewers your match history after this game lol
dub 05:25 why would anyone watch a loser diamond 1 smurf who quits games down to plat 1
dub 05:27 lmao
Gravitas 05:35 I dont know what you're tlaking about I think you ahve me mistaken for someone else
Gravitas 06:26 I appreciate the free mmr
dub 07:16 lol
dub 07:23 no one watches your shitty stream
dub 07:25 too funny
Gravitas 07:34 ;D
dub 07:46 GG LOSER
dub 07:47 GG
dub 07:47 GG
dub 07:48 G
dub 07:49 G
dub 07:49 G
dub 07:50 G
dub 07:50 G
dub 07:50 G
dub 07:51 G
dub 07:51 G
dub 07:51 G
dub 07:52 G
Gravitas 07:54 the point is no smurfing