Ghost River LE
31 Mar, 2024 4:58 pm
12 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
ERRA 00:00 glhf
Alejandro 00:00 another banger map
Alejandro 00:03 js
Alejandro 00:06 glhf
ERRA 00:19 y
ERRA 00:22 everything t fav
Alejandro 00:32 just like how it should be
ERRA 00:37 sure m8
Alejandro 00:44 hehe
ERRA 00:52 like it was in wol
Alejandro 00:52 you don't like it ?
Alejandro 00:58 exactyl
Alejandro 00:59 ahha
Alejandro 01:10 i didn't play back then
Alejandro 01:15 but m sure htose were good times
ERRA 01:26 maps vise it was bad
Alejandro 01:34 aware
ERRA 01:47 but it was more fuin
ERRA 01:49 fun
Alejandro 02:07 i miss being diamond
ERRA 02:16 the game is too rpedictable
Alejandro 02:19 ye
Alejandro 02:22 exactly
ERRA 02:34 was better woith 6 workers
Alejandro 02:46 too slow tho
ERRA 02:49 hmm
ERRA 02:50 mb
Alejandro 02:58 maybe 8
ERRA 02:59 yikes
ERRA 03:05 come on
ERRA 03:06
ERRA 03:13 hmm 8 is wierd tho
Alejandro 03:24 in between at least
ERRA 03:35 solves nothing i guess
Alejandro 03:37 and reword hatch supplie
Alejandro 03:38 maybe
Alejandro 05:16 AIAIA
ERRA 05:22 ur fine
Alejandro 05:33 it's playable
Alejandro 05:36 but rough
Alejandro 06:02 and i gtg soon
ERRA 06:07 rip
ERRA 06:24 what was ur highest mmr
Alejandro 06:28 5.4
ERRA 06:33 me 5,3
Alejandro 06:37 noice
ERRA 10:23 how
Alejandro 10:36 SHORT aaaaaaaaaaah map