Post-Youth LE
20 Apr, 2024 7:28 pm
23 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Spidermanno 00:00 gl hf
Popilep 21:41 gg
Spidermanno 21:43 gg
Popilep 21:43 any tips ?
Spidermanno 21:50 played well
Spidermanno 21:55 less lings
Spidermanno 22:02 tech up?
Spidermanno 22:06 to hive maybe
Popilep 22:15 got hive, but stuck there
Spidermanno 22:22 lurkers
Popilep 22:36 never had lurkers work in zvt
Popilep 22:45 isnt it easy to counter for T ?
Spidermanno 22:51 not for me
Popilep 22:54 you got unlimited scans
Popilep 22:58 or almost lol
Popilep 23:06 gg