Goldenaura LE
21 Apr, 2024 2:34 am
21 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
DrPootytang 12:11 sometime you'll need to expand yourself
Microangelo 12:16 thx for tip
DrPootytang 13:34 vikings arent great against zealots
DrPootytang 13:49 just fyi
Microangelo 13:51 ty
DrPootytang 14:30 shit i have 130 probes whoops
DrPootytang 14:32 thats not good
DrPootytang 14:44 can you kill a few
DrPootytang 14:48 so i can have more army
DrPootytang 20:51 gotta defend eventually eh
DrPootytang 21:03 i dont need my base anymore
DrPootytang 21:07 you have to deal with my army now
DrPootytang 21:53 See
Microangelo 21:55 gg