Heavy Artillery LE
20 Apr, 2024 7:43 pm
07 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Buibui 00:26 I think one of the terrans is a Mech dude
AngryBOB 00:30 ok
AngryBOB 00:40 myb nydus could help
AngryBOB 00:44 myb
Buibui 01:03 I will open 3 cc greedy build
AngryBOB 01:07 ok
AngryBOB 01:10 mech 2?
Buibui 01:13 nope
Buibui 01:15 standard bio tank
AngryBOB 01:18 fgast game?
Buibui 01:18 with raven
AngryBOB 01:21 ok
Buibui 01:31 I suggest you go greedy too
AngryBOB 01:37 little bit
Buibui 03:52 yep, mechers
Buibui 07:07 shit, the mech shit went Bc