Dynasty LE
21 Apr, 2024 2:50 pm
19 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
AbeFroman 00:00 GLGL
MajinBob 00:02 HFHF
AbeFroman 17:40 LOL
MajinBob 17:46 ?
AbeFroman 17:52 lman, there is juust nothing zerg can make to compete against that...
AbeFroman 17:57 is there anything you lose to?
MajinBob 18:04 i lose all the time man i suck haha
AbeFroman 18:14 what could you possibly lose to?
MajinBob 18:15 you had me i think
MajinBob 18:20 urkers
MajinBob 18:23 to guard the broods
AbeFroman 18:29 lurkers are horrible...
MajinBob 18:42 its hard to blink into broods when lurkers are defending
AbeFroman 19:05 i dont think zerg can really compete in this matchup if toss is still alive at 8 minutes
AbeFroman 19:08 anyway...gg
MajinBob 19:12 gg