Site Delta LE
23 Apr, 2024 7:43 pm
09 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
KoinK 00:00 hey glhf
mylesxd 00:03 GLHF(hearts)
KoinK 00:06
KoinK 00:09 from bro ?
mylesxd 00:21 UK
KoinK 00:24 okay
mylesxd 00:29 why?
KoinK 00:44 just for speak
KoinK 00:46 know u
mylesxd 00:48 ah
KoinK 00:49 why not ?
KoinK 01:04 why perotoss ?
KoinK 01:07 protoss
mylesxd 01:16 cool units
KoinK 01:29 for the win and aiur !?
mylesxd 01:44 ya
KoinK 02:19 hehe
KoinK 02:31 good scv
KoinK 02:49 fucking gatherer this scv
KoinK 04:04 grrrrr
KoinK 04:06 fucking scoot
mylesxd 09:54 gg