Site Delta LE
25 Apr, 2024 10:33 pm
05 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
lllllllllll 00:00 im new
Dan 00:04 no youre not
lllllllllll 00:10 how can i search you
Dan 00:15 you smurfing
lllllllllll 00:35 noob
Dan 00:52 makes me not a noob, but im about to lose
lllllllllll 01:02 kidding me
Dan 01:15 are you?
lllllllllll 01:18 no
Dan 01:21 no one this lvl uses bar codes
Dan 01:30 unless smurf
lllllllllll 01:43 REALLY?
Dan 03:47 told you
Dan 03:58 youre a lowlife smurf
Dan 04:04 get good, play ppl your lvl
Dan 04:06 fucking loser
Dan 04:19 get self esteem from beating ppl lower than you
Dan 04:26 cause you got self esteem issues
Dan 04:29 fucking sad
Dan 04:37 even worse to say youre a noob in the beginning
Dan 04:44 piece of shit person
lllllllllll 04:48 HAH
lllllllllll 05:05 fine
Dan 05:08 at least own it
Dan 05:12 when i call you out
lllllllllll 05:16 NO
lllllllllll 05:26 YOU WIN