Emerald City CE
26 Apr, 2024 5:44 pm
14 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Sapphiqque 00:00 o/
Saladrael 00:15 ?
Sapphiqque 00:24 just a wave emote
Saladrael 00:28 k
Sapphiqque 00:29 old fashioned xD
Saladrael 00:36
Sapphiqque 00:44 prob going to open oracle
Saladrael 00:45
Saladrael 00:53 k
Sapphiqque 03:05 uhoh
Sapphiqque 03:29 k, going pheonix after
Saladrael 04:23 10 nice
Saladrael 05:37 queen without creep
Sapphiqque 09:44 omw to you
Saladrael 10:24 not gonna take that ramp without vipers
Sapphiqque 12:52 oof
Sapphiqque 13:18 onmw