Schiffbruch LE
03 May, 2024 9:31 am
13 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
BrainWashed 01:03 bs is up
BrainWashed 01:07 proxy or something
BrainWashed 01:39 ye and pinging wont make them go away..
BrainWashed 01:40 xD
Bretzel 01:57 it did ;-))
BrainWashed 02:05 i highly doubt that..
BrainWashed 02:15 as they just went somewhere else
BrainWashed 03:56 someone prep counter
Palamarys 04:18 not me
Bretzel 04:24 I focus on carriers now
BrainWashed 05:52 guys wtf r we doin
BrainWashed 05:57 wheres our armies?
BrainWashed 07:08 bc
BrainWashed 07:31 they float rax to keep ya busy while they go air
BrainWashed 07:45 we gotta get goin
BrainWashed 08:27 m,uta
BrainWashed 10:04 ah k just left
BLACKRIDER 12:06 chanbce team de noob
BrainWashed 12:36 ye and u r gm.. mhm.. xD
Bretzel 13:13 ok
BrainWashed 13:51 xD
Zeus 13:51 ?