Overgrown Facility
04 May, 2024 10:29 pm
10 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Pineberry 00:07 shit its your mom
Pineberry 00:11 gl hf
LoTuSsSs 00:13 shit
LoTuSsSs 00:16 gl&hf
Undermind 00:25 long as it isnt my mom
Undermind 00:27 lol
Undermind 00:39 glhf
Pineberry 01:00 i have had a few beers, have we played tonight?
Undermind 01:10 last game only
Pineberry 01:17 ok cool
Pineberry 02:41 sorry, i really do suck
Undermind 02:55 no worries, just play your game
Undermind 02:59 im not good either
Undermind 03:11 im going to 4 min ling rush and see what happens
Undermind 04:44 well just the protoss now
Pineberry 05:04 yeah, lets see if he is an airtoss fella
Undermind 05:16 very likely
Undermind 05:30 hjes terran lol
Pineberry 05:35 LOL
Undermind 05:59 bio and a car
Undermind 06:05 hellion