Dynasty LE
LOTV Private
09 May, 2024 9:24 am
09 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Miro 00:00 hf pw
Viper 00:02 hf
Miro 00:02 if you have any quyestons
Miro 00:04 pls ask
Viper 00:06 ye
Viper 00:10 after apm
Viper 00:27 nmap is close?
Viper 00:35 oh wait.. nvm
Miro 00:36 this ones' mid range
Miro 00:40 cross spawn
Viper 03:03 light dmg?
Miro 03:06 nope
Miro 03:13 just micro
Viper 03:26 wait
Viper 03:30 can u hear me?
Miro 03:30 no
Viper 03:30 i mean chat
Miro 03:30 I'm not in discord with you
Miro 03:30 I can see you because you';re typing all chat?
Miro 03:30 if that's what you're asking
Viper 03:30 yeah
Viper 03:30 reapers not anti light anymore?
Miro 03:30 no, they haven't been anti light for a while
Miro 03:30 they had it briefly at start of LOTV
Miro 03:30 got it removed really quickly.
Viper 03:30 they have bombs, but not anti ligjht?
Miro 03:30 they have bounce grenades
Miro 03:30 but no light
Miro 03:30 the grenades do like 5 damage
Viper 03:30 ooh ok
Miro 03:30 IIRC
Viper 03:30 i see, ty, just wanted to know, pretty much gg already bit ok ok lets go?
Miro 03:30 yeah go go
Viper 03:30 1
Miro 03:30 you're fine
Viper 05:25 no
Viper 05:26 no
Viper 05:42 how do i selct?
Miro 05:45 F2
Miro 05:48 will select all army
Viper 05:52 fk
Viper 05:59 wherfe do i find utnit?
Miro 06:03 what do you mean?
Viper 06:03 like
Viper 06:03 I have 2 stalker to adept that you have seen yes?
Miro 06:03 yes
Viper 06:03 i have 2 adept that you havent seen, where are they?
Miro 06:03 I don't know?
Miro 06:03 use the F2 key to select all army
Viper 06:03 i summon sclose buit i cannot see =/
Miro 06:03 look at minimap and move the army
Miro 06:03 look at army as they move
Miro 06:03 and minimap.
Miro 06:03 you should be able to see it that way
Viper 06:05 ok ok. I understand, bad micro, I just get confused its all new to me
Miro 06:11 it's okay!
Viper 06:35 i still cant find
Viper 06:37 wtf Xd
Viper 06:49 o wtf
Viper 06:53 they in main base
Viper 06:57 ok I guess
Viper 07:07 ¨gogog
Miro 07:08 did you wall them in accidentally?
Viper 07:14 i don t knwpo
Viper 07:17 replay
Viper 07:18 later
Viper 09:26 yeah gg
Miro 09:29 gg