Ghost River LE
29 Apr, 2024 8:26 pm
15 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
mmrp 00:00 GLGLGL
BloodRaven 00:02 glhf
mmrp 13:25 gg
BloodRaven 13:27 gg
mmrp 13:47 do you have any tips on handling 2/3 base all ins?
mmrp 13:56 i feel like i'm at a 0% win rate against it
BloodRaven 14:08 mine was more of a counterattack...
mmrp 14:10 that game even felt really good but i just didn't account for dts
mmrp 14:13 yeah true
mmrp 14:22 that was a lot on me for thinking that fight was gonna go better
BloodRaven 14:22 yeah dts are always a bitch
mmrp 14:35 shoulda just gotten outta there after killing the fourth
BloodRaven 14:43 i saw you were going roach/ling and had the counters
BloodRaven 14:50 yeah, that woulda been a strong move
mmrp 14:59 what do you think about going lurkers vs ground toss?
BloodRaven 15:06 incredibly strong
BloodRaven 15:10 especially at diamond
mmrp 15:10 ok for sure
BloodRaven 15:21 teh real counter is disruptors whcih are high levels of micro
mmrp 15:22 i'll give em a shot
BloodRaven 15:26 woot
mmrp 15:28 yeah true
mmrp 15:32 gg! thanks for the help
BloodRaven 15:36 gg dude