Goldenaura LE
12 May, 2024 4:19 pm
25 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Zerg 00:00 gl hf
Diishwasher 00:02 GL
Zerg 21:35 what is a zerg supposed to do?
Diishwasher 21:44 u wastd a lot at start
Diishwasher 21:50 with the ling bane attack
Diishwasher 21:52 only got a cancel cc
Diishwasher 21:57 i was already on 4 cc at that point
Diishwasher 22:01 just expand
Diishwasher 22:02 macro
Diishwasher 22:03 no attack
Zerg 22:19 dang
Zerg 25:29 g