Site Delta LE
19 May, 2024 7:41 pm
09 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
bCNtheF 00:00 gl hf
Zerg 00:00 gl hf
Zerg 08:25 gg
bCNtheF 08:27 gg
Zerg 08:33 how does zerg hold this?
bCNtheF 08:46 hmm i think when you see i have no gas, 8 gates
bCNtheF 08:49 i would get banes?
bCNtheF 08:54 or mutas maybe
Zerg 09:00 mutas no way
bCNtheF 09:03 true
Zerg 09:04 not out quick enough
bCNtheF 09:05 i still have gas so
Zerg 09:08 but maybe banes
bCNtheF 09:10 i could get stalkers too
Zerg 09:11 geegee
bCNtheF 09:14 yea banes i think
bCNtheF 09:15 gg