Emerald City CE
12 May, 2024 12:15 pm
06 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Freak 00:00 gl hf
IIllIIIIllll 00:09 did you fk pratice ?
Freak 00:23 on a few occasion
Freak 00:24 but he good
Freak 00:38 nina, practice, mapplez, maxpax, etc.
IIllIIIIllll 00:39 i want to watch the REPLAY!
IIllIIIIllll 00:51 fk pratice!!!
Freak 00:54 lool
Freak 01:02 he's a good guy though
Freak 01:20 only bad thing about him is that he's supera lol
Freak 03:09 inc