Hosted For

Oceanborn LE
15 Jun, 2024 9:28 am
25 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
KingHydra 06:45 lol
KingHydra 06:48 I fucking wish your race took micro
Bizzaro 09:24 same
KingHydra 09:30 LOL WHAT
KingHydra 09:33 50% of gm right now is toss
KingHydra 09:40 your noob race is bullshit
KingHydra 14:09 no micro
KingHydra 14:12 no skill
KingHydra 14:13 just amove
KingHydra 14:15 blink o nce
KingHydra 14:16 lkol
KingHydra 19:45 its kinda funny how bad you are
Bizzaro 20:01 you know this is a video game right?
Bizzaro 20:16 no need to cry
KingHydra 20:17 a videogame I have to try twice as hard to win vs someone who cant even micro two thigns at once
KingHydra 20:21 its lame
Bizzaro 20:42 then change races?
KingHydra 20:45 naw im not pathetic
Bizzaro 21:23 time for you to go\
KingHydra 24:05 u ok?
KingHydra 24:15 plz send this game to harstem
KingHydra 24:17 i love you long time
Bizzaro 24:49 i hope one day you overcome your insecurities
KingHydra 24:58 the fact a player of your calibur is this level
KingHydra 25:01 proves what i say