Hosted For

Amphion LE
20 Jun, 2024 2:29 pm
25 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
BTCJake 00:00 gl
DaCarrotLord 00:03
BTCJake 23:25 gg
DaCarrotLord 23:30 idk how i won ngl
DaCarrotLord 23:35 you had alot of chance to kill me XD
BTCJake 23:48 i expanded too much
DaCarrotLord 23:54 yeah seems like
BTCJake 23:58 didnt put enough into defence
DaCarrotLord 24:09 you didnt put enough into gateway units
DaCarrotLord 24:12 either
DaCarrotLord 24:22 cannons can only do so much
BTCJake 24:33 i only use at start to zelot rush, then i dont really use, straight to voids
DaCarrotLord 24:48 make a bunch of stalkers :P
DaCarrotLord 24:57 atleast they act as some defense
BTCJake 24:57 ill try that thanks
BTCJake 25:04 my prob is