Sandstorm CE
23 Jun, 2024 11:53 pm
30 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
essexjuan 01:41 maybe i go air?
JAYSUN 01:59 i can go air too
essexjuan 02:07 naw
jake 02:09 ill go ground
essexjuan 02:11 they i go ground
jake 02:11 both go air
essexjuan 02:15 okay
essexjuan 02:52 ,might be marines rush
essexjuan 04:10 zerglings 3 base
essexjuan 05:24 void rays on protss
essexjuan 06:18 let me expand here
essexjuan 08:41 can you open that up
jake 09:23 go there
jake 09:45 \ill defend
jake 09:48 out there
JAYSUN 11:50 yellow why u ass
jake 12:01 lol
JAYSUN 13:43 yellow is a bot i swear
essexjuan 15:11 blue dont suicd
essexjuan 16:18 blue ifghht oj
essexjuan 20:04 blue kill oj
essexjuan 20:33 dont attack that
essexjuan 20:46 blue
essexjuan 20:49 just stack on bottom
essexjuan 20:53 and killt he orange
essexjuan 21:00 i can hand purple
JAYSUN 21:03 anyone got gas>
JAYSUN 21:14 i need a base / gotta kill there
essexjuan 21:23 let me and re
essexjuan 21:23 red
essexjuan 21:25 come with me totop
essexjuan 21:28 let blue protet bootmt
essexjuan 21:41 dont get baited
essexjuan 22:13 r
essexjuan 22:20 stopg ettinb atited
essexjuan 22:30 red come with eme to kilp urple
essexjuan 23:12 red come with me
jake 23:15 kk
jake 23:17 om
essexjuan 23:19 let blue stop oj
JAYSUN 23:26 i cant with yellow on grond tho
essexjuan 23:40 now kil oh
essexjuan 23:43 blue
essexjuan 23:43 oj
essexjuan 23:44 oj
essexjuan 23:45 oj
essexjuan 23:57 red kill purple
essexjuan 24:14 now purple
essexjuan 24:19 blue jsut proteoc tobottom
essexjuan 24:31 blue protect bototm
essexjuan 24:32 from orange
essexjuan 25:05 blue
essexjuan 25:09 elase sto[rotect bototm
essexjuan 25:19 jesus christ blue
essexjuan 25:46 we jsut lost cuz of this
JAYSUN 25:47 i got purple
essexjuan 25:55 yes but we coudl ahve kileld purple but we cannot kill oj with otu
essexjuan 26:09 nvm we got it
essexjuan 26:28 get bases
JAYSUN 26:41 i got 3 purple bases
essexjuan 26:44 gj
JAYSUN 27:20 ball up
essexjuan 27:30 lurkeres evyerwhere
essexjuan 27:34 just mien
essexjuan 27:40 i have 0 gas
JAYSUN 29:20 i got no more income
essexjuan 29:27 dont suicide yoru guys
essexjuan 29:29 save for tempets
JAYSUN 29:48 too much
JAYSUN 29:52 shoula had red with
essexjuan 30:13 rpobelm is you suicdied too many vikings
essexjuan 30:25 when you eneded tos ave them for orange
JAYSUN 30:26 i was getting bases
essexjuan 30:28 gg
essexjuan 30:30 doesnt matter
essexjuan 30:33 theyw ere miend out