Oceanborn LE
14 Jul, 2024 8:43 am
17 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Broken 00:00 glhf
SalyT 00:00 glhf
SalyT 00:06 real leage?
SalyT 00:25 guess bronze is not what you're in
Broken 00:26 right now, this
SalyT 00:31 which is?
Broken 00:37 brozr
SalyT 00:40 yeah right
Broken 00:49 I used to be better
SalyT 00:57 then you should be no match for me as i'm plat2
SalyT 01:00 if you're bronze
SalyT 01:04 guess it's not
SalyT 01:27 so real league or real mmr?
Broken 01:41 no idea bout mmr
Broken 02:19 a few year ago I was diamond
SalyT 02:25 ok fine. i just fed up with all the smurfs
Broken 03:22 Ive been losing to bronze and silvers today
Broken 03:22 ;D
SalyT 03:45 yesterday i played against a zerg. dia1...
SalyT 03:48 in plat2
Broken 03:59 that's rough
SalyT 04:07 just a fucking smurf
SalyT 04:15 was so happy about it to be a smurf...
SalyT 04:28 plat2 is 80% against smurfs
Broken 04:37 :/
Broken 07:37 where are you from?
SalyT 07:46 hun
Broken 07:48 kk
Broken 07:49 swe here
SalyT 07:57 oh nice
Broken 10:40 if you lose, dont leave
SalyT 11:09 ok
SalyT 14:39 just play until the last building or what? basically i'm dead
Broken 14:59 sure, Ill leave before it ends
SalyT 15:39 ok but now i already gg'd out. just stay because you wrote
Broken 15:49 aright
Broken 15:52 gg
Broken 15:54 so, hm
SalyT 15:54 gg
Broken 15:56 you built
Broken 16:01 alot of
Broken 16:04 whats their name
Broken 16:06 not marines
SalyT 16:10 marauders
Broken 16:14 right, why did you?
SalyT 16:14 against the banes
Broken 16:17 ah
Broken 16:29 tanks would be better, or mines
Broken 16:31 bio mine is good
SalyT 16:42 can't control mines properly
SalyT 16:54 always end up destroying my units as well
Broken 16:58 if you dont practise you never weill
Broken 17:06 ok, good luck in future
SalyT 17:09 thx
Broken 17:09 take cre