Ruins of Seras
08 Mar, 2016 2:15 pm
04 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Steadfast 00:09 gl hf
Steadfast 00:18 I'll be casting your games at Kings of the North
Scarlett 00:22 o.o
Scarlett 00:53 gl
Steadfast 01:12 How do you feel about the competitors?
Steadfast 01:19 going into it
Scarlett 01:36 all literal gods
Scarlett 01:39 of na starcraft
Steadfast 01:44 ^_^
Steadfast 02:03 Even Desbro?
Scarlett 02:06 OFC
Scarlett 02:14 i rly hope i dont lose a series tho
Steadfast 02:19 Yeah?
Steadfast 02:22 Even to Neeb?
Scarlett 02:37 dont wanna ruin my record
Scarlett 02:39 on lan
Steadfast 02:41 Haha
Steadfast 02:44 Fair enough
Steadfast 03:50 Well you seem well suited for NoRegret
Steadfast 04:12 gg wp