Shipwrecked LE
24 Aug, 2024 4:14 pm
22 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
IHearºVoices 00:08 HI GL HF
ioz 00:16 i remember flawles smind marin rusher
ioz 00:22 not %100
IHearºVoices 00:32 I was playing with him on WoL 4v4
IHearºVoices 00:39 but dont remmeber what he were playing
IHearºVoices 00:42 *he was
IHearºVoices 00:56 eh
IHearºVoices 01:02 barcadi is on drugs again
ioz 01:09
ioz 01:26 bacardi sleeping
ioz 01:42 ?
IHearºVoices 02:32 that's why im not lpaying proxy
IHearºVoices 02:40 and specially in wrong places
IHearºVoices 03:08 izo build bunkier
ioz 03:18 tanks production
IHearºVoices 03:27 kurwa
IHearºVoices 03:29 i gopt no untis
ioz 03:30 yuo need help?
ioz 03:40 move
IHearºVoices 04:10 barcadi
IHearºVoices 04:17 but i was telling you so many times
IHearºVoices 04:20 without proxy
IHearºVoices 04:21 without
ioz 05:11 sk money
IHearºVoices 05:31 i got cash
IHearºVoices 05:34 but its already 2v4
IHearºVoices 07:56 lings, banenlings
IHearºVoices 07:58 void-rays
IHearºVoices 08:03 and bacardii
IHearºVoices 08:48 so vs air toss bacadrii is going banshee now
IHearºVoices 12:02 go on gold bacaddrii
IHearºVoices 12:37 ULTRAS !!!!
IHearºVoices 15:29 GG? or we trying?
ioz 15:38 try
ioz 15:41 we can win
IHearºVoices 15:45 not rly
ioz 15:50
IHearºVoices 17:47 im dead
IHearºVoices 18:24 CLOSE
IHearºVoices 20:06 you got my gaz
ioz 20:11 tnx
MaksFoer 20:47 gg
IHearºVoices 20:49 gg wp