Moebius Facility XX-1
20 Aug, 2016 6:36 am
22 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Habiza 00:10 TOP VS BOTTOM
Legacy 00:13 HEY
Legacy 00:14 GL HF
Legacy 00:30 NR 20?????????
Sojourn 00:36 wtf why did you tell them our positions
Legacy 00:47 wow where is the kick button
Legacy 00:49 gtfo
Habiza 00:53 no rush bros
Sojourn 00:56 we can kick
Sojourn 00:58 just need 3
Sojourn 00:59 to vote
Sojourn 01:05 i'm sure
Legacy 01:08 alf
Legacy 01:09 listen
Legacy 01:10 go 1 bawe
AlfStuart 01:11 sorry
Legacy 01:12 base
Legacy 01:14 and just defend
EmPirE 01:14 ....
AlfStuart 01:18 ok
Legacy 01:21 im gonna go 3 base
Legacy 01:22 austism
AlfStuart 01:25 im ready
Legacy 01:25 thanks bro
AlfStuart 01:27 for ur shit
Sojourn 01:39 8 min max carrier?
Habiza 01:41 legacy go carrier rush
Habiza 01:46 oh shit
Legacy 01:47 that or skill rays
Sojourn 02:01 habi going 4 gate
AlfStuart 02:03 found the real jew
Sojourn 02:18 sojourn going mass ling
Sojourn 02:29 with added love
AlfStuart 02:32 feel diry not expo
AlfStuart 02:55 i am listening to the doors
Habiza 03:06 are they open or closed?
AlfStuart 03:11 open
AlfStuart 03:18 this is bs
Habiza 03:27 lmao
Sojourn 03:28 lol
EmPirE 03:30 stfu
Legacy 03:35 nop u
Sojourn 03:36 sorry i didn't bean to say that in all
Sojourn 03:40 i'm not a douche
EmPirE 03:44 ...
EmPirE 03:45 cute
Legacy 03:55 no u
Sojourn 03:56 i'm sorry man, It's been one of those days
Sojourn 04:06 my mom tells me I shouldn't stay up so late, this is what happens
AlfStuart 04:10 my cpu is a neuronet processor
AlfStuart 04:13 a learning computer
Legacy 04:16 hey
Legacy 04:18 help me teal
Legacy 04:23 1 job
Sojourn 04:32 LEGACY NO
Sojourn 04:51 scan
AlfStuart 04:57 5 sec
AlfStuart 05:47 i canjt work under these condidiotns
AlfStuart 05:49 conditions
Legacy 05:53 lel
Sojourn 05:55 hey get back here
Legacy 06:28 gasia gtfo
AlfStuart 07:34 fk me!!
AlfStuart 07:38 no detect
Legacy 07:38 how much?
Legacy 09:07 fucking stop killing my third
AlfStuart 09:23 my god
Legacy 11:39 hey feed mins if u are floating
Legacy 13:46 feed
Legacy 13:46 me
Legacy 13:47 mins
AlfStuart 13:50 onlyt got gas
Legacy 14:36 mins
Sojourn 15:06 why eject
Legacy 15:12 ?
Sojourn 15:44 how much cash you have xD
Legacy 15:56 not enough
Sojourn 16:00 the carrys lol
AlfStuart 16:03 i got gas
Habiza 16:03 i have no building or probe
Sojourn 16:04 carriers
AlfStuart 16:06 and mins about to come
Sojourn 16:07 have a valid name given to them
Sojourn 17:01 rip
Legacy 18:13 mins
Habiza 18:44 didn't they leave
Habiza 18:48 lets kill other dudes
Legacy 18:54 no
Legacy 18:56 we need moe bases
Habiza 19:01 they are mined out
Sojourn 19:48 they're overstimmed go now!
Legacy 19:54 k
Legacy 19:55 ty
Sojourn 20:07 woot!
Habiza 20:35 nooooooooooooo
EmPirE 20:39 lmao
Sojourn 20:42 i'll join you habi
EmPirE 20:43 sorry
Habiza 20:45 you bastard
Legacy 20:46 mins
Legacy 20:47 please
EmPirE 20:49 sorry ;(
Legacy 20:51 cancel those rax
Sojourn 20:53 let me join habiza
Legacy 20:54 and give me mins
Habiza 20:56 you were supposed to destroy the sith. not join them
AlfStuart 21:03 rgr
Sojourn 21:04 JOIN
Legacy 21:07 cancel
Sojourn 21:45 DANGIT
Habiza 21:58 terran imba
Habiza 22:00 bio too strong
Legacy 22:02 if i didnt lose 30 probes
Sojourn 22:03 lol
Legacy 22:05 1 one mine
Legacy 22:08 we wouldve won
Legacy 22:08 :/
Habiza 22:08 gg
EmPirE 22:10 gg